Tuesday, July 30, 2024

BREAKING: Michael Moore goes viral with a post about Kamala Harris:

"It took just 5 days.

Nothing like it had ever happened before in American history.

And yet, by this past Thursday, a mere five days after President Biden's 1:46 pm Sunday afternoon announcement of him ending his re-election campaign and handing the candidacy over to his Vice President, Kamala Harris, the Wall Street Journal (no friend to women, People of Color, young voters, the poor or the working class), WSJ — this grand oracle of Capitalism, conservative ideology and the force that is Rupert Murdoch — ran this stunning historic headline, truly one for the ages:

Kamala Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, two genius parents, one a Stanford economist, the other a brilliant Berkeley scientist, both active in the 1960s civil rights movement of their beloved adopted country, America, and proud to have their children be among the first to integrate a public school in California — that Kamala Harris was now, in 2024, accepting the all-but-certain nomination to be the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States.

And, it should be noted, the chance to become the first woman ever to hold this esteemed office.

Yes, that was just one week ago. A euphoric nation exploded in a joyful belief that finally the promise of the American Dream was no longer just a "promise" nor a "dream" but a roaring reality that immediately took off like a rocket.

And each day this week has seen a new record set for a Presidential campaign:

A Record-Smashing Surge of Volunteers Signing Up Across Key Swing States (a total of 170,000 throughout the nation as of this morning);

The Biggest One-Day Haul of Campaign Contributions Ever, 60% of them from first-time donors (the total overall take is more than $350 million as of today);

The Largest Zoom Call Ever for a Campaign Meeting (160,000 participants, with more than double that expected on Monday night's "Women for Harris" Zoom — feel free to join in, click here);

The Most People Ever to Register to Vote Over a 48-Hour Period: Almost 40,000 New Voters!
85% of all Convention delegates (3,404 of them) endorsed Harris after she had only been a candidate for three days — and all this 4 weeks before the Convention even starts!

Historians and political scientists agree that this level of enthusiasm this quickly is unheard of in modern American politics. Trump is furious. He is planning to sue to "keep Harris off the ballot."

Good luck with that. It won't work. Apparently, somewhere along the way, Trump Van Winkle must have fallen into a deep sleep and missed the memo that many white men like him also seemed to miss:

"America is no longer your America, the exclusive club for the gender missing its second X chromosome, which then makes you prone to war, violent outbursts, something called 'mansplaining,' harassing the other gender, dying on average 6 years before that other gender — and yet still holding the majority of the wealth, the property, the tee times and most of the seats in Congress (72% of those seats at last count are yours)."

That America is being shown the door.

Here's what the New America looks like:

Seventy-nine percent of the United States is either Female (51% of the country), Persons of Color (42% of the country is now Black, Brown, Asian or Indigenous), or Young Adults between 18 and 39 (the Gen Z-ers and Millennials now make up 42% of the country!) — or some combination thereof of these three demographics.

This Country Is Female, Young and Not-So-White Anymore.

Not the best place to run for President if your three main personality traits are misogyny, bigotry, and sounding like everyone's Uncle Don.  

Oh — and then there's this…

Here's the truth about who our fellow Americans really are (and here's the list nobody has bothered to show you because, well, we need to keep perpetuating our own belief that we are stuck living in a white, Christian Nationalist, conservative, red-neck, deep-fried-Oreo-loving country — when, in fact, the vast bulk of the United States is not like that anymore):

69% of Americans support legal abortion.

72% of Americans don't own a gun.

90% of the country wants more gun control laws.

72% of us believe the Climate Crisis is real.

71% of all Americans approve of labor unions.

79% of us insist the rich must pay more in taxes.

76% of us want a much higher minimum wage.

70% of all voters believe marijuana should be legal.  

73% of the country want student loan debt relief.

74% of Americans want more affordable homes.

65% support term limits on all Supreme Court justices.

84% of Americans want free Pre-k and 3-k.

69% of Americans support same-sex marriage.

65% of Americans want to end the electoral college.

89% of Americans oppose gerrymandering.

70% of us are demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza NOW!  

72% of all Americans want money removed from politics!

70% of Millennials say they would likely vote for a Socialist candidate.

THAT is who we are.

Mr. Trump — how do you expect to win when what you believe in is the opposite of what more than two-thirds of the country believes regarding many of the major issues of the day?! You are running as a right wing whackadoodle in a country that has seriously become more open and progressive. The majority of Americans HATE what you stand for. Just look at those poll numbers I listed above. Those percentages don't come from me, they come from Gallup, the Associated Press, PEW Research, CNN and others. They come from the American people.

The Republicans have LOST the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections! Since 1988, the American people have made it abundantly clear: They don't want a Republican running the country. The ONLY reason we were stuck with Bush and Trump is because the Founders created the Electoral College in order to appease the slave states and try to avoid a Civil War (and that seemed to work out ok).  

But here's the kicker: The majority of these 3 groups — women, young people, People of Color — vote Democratic in every election! The statistics don't lie: 51% of women are Democrats, as are 61% of young people, and 83% of African Americans. Those facts alone should guarantee that the Democrats hold a majority of political power in the United States. But as long as there is gerrymandering, the Electoral College and voter suppression, the concept of "one-person, one-vote majority rule" — the singular underpinning of a true Democracy — is sadly missing as the "Democracy" is still yet to be realized.

So what's the takeaway here? It's quite simple:


We are now the majority.

We are a Liberal Nation.

We are going to elect the first woman — a Black woman, no less! — to be the President of the United States.

So what could possibly go wrong?


So, as I see it, that's the only way we can lose. If too many people sense it's the same old political hoo-ha, the Democratic vote will be seriously depressed, millions will stay stuck in their despair, and all of this may lead to a Trump victory.

This must not happen. The overwhelming jolt of joy from this last week must continue, but with ACTION — and that is where you and I come in!

In my next letter to you, I will reveal the blueprint/playbook/ battle plan for what we millions — the Majority — must do over these next 100 days. I think you're going to like it. It includes simple things we can all do. It will be fun. You'll meet new friends. There are Door Prizes! You might become a local hero. And we're all gonna party like it's 2029!"

— Michael Moore
Sent from Ann's iPad