Every four years, you hear it: Elections have consequences. But it's sometimes forgotten that the rule doesn't apply to just presidential races, but also to every race down ballot, every election.
To know why, look at what happened in Arizona this past week.
The Arizona state Supreme Court ruled an 1864 law banning nearly all abortions is enforceable, staying the decision for two weeks. On Wednesday, Republicans in the state Legislature blocked an effort by Democrats to repeal the 160-year-old law.
But whether or not it's actually enforced was likely decided nearly two years ago by just 280 Arizona voters. That development shows why it's vital to have plans in place to protect reproductive rights at every level of government.
This is a preview of Symone D. Sanders-Townsend's latest article. Read the full column here. For more thought-provoking insights from Symone Sanders-Townsend, Alicia Menendez and Michael Steele, watch "The Weekend" every Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m. ET on MSNBC.