Thursday, October 14, 2021

Trump tells Republicans not to vote if his 2020 election loss isn't 'solved' ...Plus, GOP Senate hopeful cancels event following swastika controversy

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Trump tells Republicans not to vote if his 2020 election loss isn't 'solved'
Rachel Maddow reports on a statement by Donald Trump with perhaps the most bipartisan appeal of anything he has ever uttered: that if his Big Lie about his losing bid for reelection in 2020 isn't "solved," then Republicans will not vote in 2022 or 2024.
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Judge stomps out Trump Big Lie case in Georgia; triggers Trump tantrum
Rachel Maddow reports on a Georgia judge rejecting a bid by Donald Trump supporters to perform another election "audit" circus and the ensuing press release umbrage and political threats that have come to be expected from a triggered Trump.
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Biden plan aims to untangle supply chain with focus on clearing backed up ports
Rachel Maddow reports on President Biden's new plan to extend the hours of operation at the port of L.A. as a first step in rebooting the lagging U.S. and global supply chain.
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GOP Senate hopeful cancels event following swastika controversy
Herschel Walker yesterday canceled a fundraiser with a supporter who used a rendering of a swastika as her Twitter profile image.
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Layoff totals improve to pandemic-era low as economy improves
With new subpoena, investigation into Jan. 6 attack intensifies
As Schumer readies vote, does the Freedom to Vote Act have a chance?
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